Unlock new levels of insights, efficiency, and confidence in your process
The Skaia™ vision application software uses a sophisticated multi-factorial model based on specific physiological mechanisms, such as glucose consumption. This innovative approach estimates cell number inside your scale-X™ bioreactor without the need for direct cell sampling, ensuring optimal productivity and efficiency in your workflow.

Take your scale-X bioreactors to the next level
With its predictive functionality, the Skaia vision software not only estimates current cell numbers but also predicts the time required to reach your defined cell density targets. Use this foresight to plan smarter, optimize faster, and achieve superior results in your cell culture operations.
Boost your process IQ and
achieve greater productivity
Easy-to-use visual tools that monitor critical parameters, track trends, and make informed decisions on the go.
Cut costs and minimize aseptic risks
Say goodbye to traditional fixed-bed sampling. The Skaia vision platform’s predictive model reduces the need for time and resource consuming sampling operations, minimizing aseptic risks.
Reduce development runs and achieve cell density targets with precision
Use physiological and metabolic parameters, such as glucose consumption to make biomass estimates more accurate.
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Unlock new levels of insight, efficiency, and confidence in your process with the Skaia™ vision platform
This innovative approach estimates cell number inside your scale-X™ bioreactor without the need for direct cell sampling, ensuring optimal productivity and efficiency in your workflow.